for January 19, 2017


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Vol. XXIX No. 3                                                                              217th Legislature $ Second Annual Session


The Senate did not meet.  The Senate will meet on Monday, January 23, 2017 (SESSION).


Bills Introduced:

A4495    Dancer,R+1    Veh. theft device, selling-estab. crime   REF ALP

A4496    Wimberly,B/Sumter,S    Healthy Small Food Retailer Act   REF ACE

A4497    Coughlin,C+1    Sch election-concerns candidates/ballots   REF AJU

A4498    Coughlin,C/Vainieri Huttle,V    Behavioral health care svcs-expand insur   REF AFI

A4499    Holley,J    Meal plan fds, unused-donate emerg meal   REF AHI

A4500    Sumter,S/Wimberly,B    Library media specialist-concerns   REF AED

A4501    Sumter,S/Wimberly,B    Econ. Redevel. Growth Grant-concerns   REF AAP

A4502    Bucco,A.M./Prieto,V    Candidate's name, drawing-concerns date   REF AJU

A4503    Munoz,N/DeCroce,B+1    Human Trafficking Child Exploit Prev Act   REF AJU

A4504    Lampitt,P/Barclay,A    Self-driving mv-clarifies insur. req.   REF AFI

A4505    Holley,J    Resid borrower-forclosure forbearance   REF AFI

A4506    Lampitt,P    Title IX-concerns compliance   REF AED

A4507    Peterson,E    Newspaper-ads post on internet website   REF ASL

A4508    Caride,M/Schaer,G    Improv Energy Infra Pub-Priv Partnership   REF ATU

A4509    Mazzeo,V    Opioid antidotes-devel. info co-prescrib   REF AHE

A4510    Mazzeo,V    Garden St. Growth Zone-Bus. incentive   REF ACE

A4511    DeAngelo,W    BPU pub meetings-live internet broadcast   REF ATU

A4512    DeAngelo,W    Energy assist. benf.-verify income   REF ATU

A4513    DeAngelo,W    Low-income home energy assist-DCA update   REF ATU

A4514    DeAngelo,W    Energy assist benf-verify not deceased   REF ATU

A4515    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Women-concerns equal pay and opportunity   REF ALA

A4516    Singleton,T    Pub. off.-estab. database w/cert. info.   REF ASL

AR205    Rible,D    Founder catch limits-reject fed. rule   REF AAN

AR206    Mazzeo,V/Houghtaling,E    Flounder, summer-assess catch limits   REF AAN

Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A777 Aca (1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Mazzeo,V+3    Pub. meetings-display flag/recite pledge   REP/ACA

A1051    Bramnick,J+1    Terrorism related crime-report, immunity   REP

A1484    McKeon,J/Jasey,M+1    Auto. rain sensor devices-req.   REP

A1856    Wimberly,B+1    Security Off Reg Act-make cert vets elig   REP

A1873 Aca (1R)    Wimberly,B/Singleton,T+3    Police, ff civil svc. lists-concerns   REP/ACA

A1919 AcaAaAca (3R)    Wisniewski,J/Muoio,E+3    NJT bd.-add two pub. memb.   REP/ACA

A2073    Mukherji,R+1    9-1-1 calls-exemp. cert. health info.   REP

A2081    Mukherji,R/Pintor Marin,E+1    Green bldg. proj.-concerns applications   REP

A3186    Rumpf,B/Gove,D+1    Nuclear power plant, trespassing-crime   REP

A3219    Dancer,R+1    The Peter Falk Act-guardianship   REP

A3720 Aca (1R)    Chaparro,A    Internet-org. events-mun. regulate   REP/ACA

A3754 Acs (ACS)    Peterson,E    Notarized documents-prov atty procedures   REP/ACS

A3832    Quijano,A/Muoio,E+1    EDA-concerns finan. assist.   REP

A3945 Aca (1R)    Gusciora,R/Conaway,H    Shark fins-proh, cert sale or possession   REP/ACA

A4062 Aca (1R)    Wisniewski,J/McKnight,A+2    Veh. homicide-concerns distracted driv.   REP/ACA

A4183    Greenwald,L    Addl. data, temp. disab. ins. report-req   REP

A4310    Coughlin,C    Civil service-retain cert position   REP

A4345    DeAngelo,W/Chiaravalloti,N    September 11 Remembrance Day-desig.   REP

Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading: (cont’d)


A4363    Taliaferro,A/Andrzejczak,B    Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund   REP

A4395    Schaer,G    Waste tire sites-concerns   REP

A4488 Aca (1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Taliaferro,A    Crops affected by cert. disease-assist   REP/ACA

A4489    Andrzejczak,B/Zwicker,A+1    Farmer-devel. beginner mentor prog.   REP

A4490    Andrzejczak,B/Zwicker,A+1    Farmers, beginning-prov. tax cred.   REP

A4491 Aca (1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Zwicker,A+1    New Farmers Improvement Grant Prog-estab   REP/ACA

A4492 Aca (1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Zwicker,A+2    Farmers, beginning-NJEDA estab loan prog   REP/ACA

A4493    Andrzejczak,B/Zwicker,A+2    Garden St Young Farmers Loan Redemption   REP

A4494    Andrzejczak,B/Zwicker,A+2    Farmers, beginning-lease land, tax cred.   REP

AJR54 Acs (ACS)    Benson,D/Mosquera,G    World Autism Awareness Day-desig April 2   REP/ACS

AJR122    Oliver,S/Giblin,T    Disparity in St. Procurement Study Comm.   REP

AR141 Aca (1R)    Spencer,L/Pintor Marin,E+1    Child Abuse Prev. Mo.-desig. April 2016   REP/ACA

AR162    Singleton,T/Munoz,N    Domestic Viol. Tech. Task Force   REP

AR163    Singleton,T/Munoz,N    Co. Domestic Viol. Working Groups-memb.   REP

AR195    Pinkin,N/Quijano,A    Surface Transp/Maritime Sec. Act-urges   REP

AR206    Mazzeo,V/Houghtaling,E    Flounder, summer-assess catch limits   REP

S59 Aca (1R)    Lesniak,R/Sacco,N+4    NJT Corp. bd.-add two pub. memb.   REP/ACA

S308 Sca (1R)    Van Drew,J/Connors,C+6    Pub. meetings-display flag/recite pledge   REP

S2044 ScaAca (2R)    Lesniak,R/Whelan,J+1    Shark fins-proh, cert sale or possession   REP/ACA

Bills Reported Referred/AAP:

A1943    Coughlin,C/Wisniewski,J+2    MV-estab electronic lien, titling system   REP REF AAP

A2363 Aca (1R)    Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T    Snow removal by NJT-concerns   REP/ACA REF AAP

A3881 Aca (1R)    Wisniewski,J/Giblin,T+1    Transp. proj-design and inspection svcs.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4013 Aca (1R)    Singleton,T/DeCroce,B    Polystyrene food contrainers-proh. sale   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4016 Aca (1R)    Lagana,J/O'Scanlon,D+2    DUI, interlock device viol-revise penal.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4045 Aca (1R)    Munoz,N/Singleton,T+1    Peace: A Learned Solution Prog.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4046 Aca (1R)    Munoz,N/Singleton,T+1    Batterers' Interv. Prog.-estab.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4203    DeAngelo,W/Singleton,T    PFRS memb-prov. death, disab. benf.   REP REF AAP

A4204 Aca (1R)    Mazzeo,V/Houghtaling,E    Co. storm preparedness prog-Establ   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4253 Aca (1R)    Quijano,A/Mukherji,R    Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Prog.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4262 Aca (1R)    Muoio,E/Lampitt,P    Family day care-req. background checks   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4362 Aca (1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Mazzeo,V+2    Vet. Diversion Prog.-creates   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4372    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1    Off. of Women's Advancement-estab.   REP REF AAP

A4399 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Johnson,G+4    Gold Star Family Counseling Prog.-estab.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4401 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Land,R+4    Military family memb.-auth. cert. benf.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4402 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Andrzejczak,B+4    Gold Star liaison-req DMVA   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4403    Greenwald,L/Rible,D+5    Gold Star families website-create   REP REF AAP

A4410 Aca (1R)    Zwicker,A/Johnson,G    Freelance workers-concerns pymt.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A4454    Tucker,C/Andrzejczak,B    Agric. Experiment Station-approp $300K   REP REF AAP

S307 ScsSca (SCS/1R)    Van Drew,J/Allen,D+8    Vet. Diversion Prog.-creates   REP REF AAP

S651 ScaAca (2R)    Turner,S/Pennacchio,J+5    Family day care-req. background checks   REP/ACA REF AAP

Bills Reported Referred/AFI:

A2758    DeAngelo,W/Jimenez,A+1    Mil., active duty-waive insur. co-pymts   REP REF AFI

Bills Recommitted:

A1919 AcaAaAca (3R)    Wisniewski,J/Muoio,E+3    NJT bd.-add two pub. memb.   RCM ATR

Bills Transferred:

A4363    Taliaferro,A/Andrzejczak,B    Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund   FROM AAN TO AWC

Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

A439    Eustace,T/Gusciora,R    Religious freedom statute-proh St travel    FROM ASL  

Co-Sponsors Added:

A543   (Kean,S; Lagana,J; Peterson,E)    First responders-req./training standards

A621 Aca (1R)   (Coughlin,C)    Amusement game-permited to sell alco bev

A777 Aca (1R)   (Handlin,A)    Pub. meetings-display flag/recite pledge

A903   (Chaparro,A)    Domestic viol. statutes-expands

A1919 AcaAaAca (3R)   (Eustace,T)    NJT bd.-add two pub. memb.

Co-Sponsors Added: (cont’d)


A2758   (Holley,J)    Mil., active duty-waive insur. co-pymts

A3186   (Handlin,A)    Nuclear power plant, trespassing-crime

A3219   (Handlin,A)    The Peter Falk Act-guardianship

A3656   (Rooney,K)    Snowplow svc. contracts-concerns

A3821   (Eustace,T)    Affordable housing obligations-concerns

A3832   (Eustace,T)    EDA-concerns finan. assist.

A3881 Aca (1R)   (Handlin,A)    Transp. proj-design and inspection svcs.

A3929   (Mosquera,G)    St. Sch. Aid Fd. Fairness Comm.-estab.

A4045 Aca (1R)   (Handlin,A)    Peace: A Learned Solution Prog.

A4046 Aca (1R)   (Handlin,A)    Batterers' Interv. Prog.-estab.

A4234   (Eustace,T)    Joint insur. fd.-allows cert.

A4306   (Greenwald,L)    Soil, drinking water-reduce exposure

A4362 Aca (1R)   (Handlin,A; Holley,J)    Vet. Diversion Prog.-creates

A4369 Aca (1R)   (Handlin,A)    Fair Foreclosure Act-revises

A4372   (Eustace,T)    Off. of Women's Advancement-estab.

A4399 Aca (1R)   (Chiaravalloti,N)    Gold Star Family Counseling Prog.-estab.

A4402 Aca (1R)   (Chiaravalloti,N)    Gold Star liaison-req DMVA

A4403   (Chiaravalloti,N)    Gold Star families website-create

A4418   (Handlin,A)    Co.-mun. courts-permits estab

A4452   (Kean,S)    Michael Massey's Law-display lights

A4474   (Giblin,T)    Higher ed., purch. cert. prop.-concerns

A4489   (Handlin,A)    Farmer-devel. beginner mentor prog.

A4490   (Handlin,A)    Farmers, beginning-prov. tax cred.

A4491 Aca (1R)   (Handlin,A)    New Farmers Improvement Grant Prog-estab

A4492 Aca (1R)   (DeAngelo,W; Handlin,A)    Farmers, beginning-NJEDA estab loan prog

A4493   (Handlin,A; Holley,J)    Garden St Young Farmers Loan Redemption

A4494   (DeAngelo,W; Handlin,A)    Farmers, beginning-lease land, tax cred.

A4495   (Handlin,A)   Veh. theft device, selling-estab. crime  

A4497   (Handlin,A)   Sch election-concerns candidates/ballot

A4503   (Handlin,A)   Human Trafficking Child Exploit Prev Act  

AJR136   (Phoebus,G)    Blue in center of yellow line-disapprove

AR141 Aca (1R)   (Watson,B)    Child Abuse Prev. Mo.-desig. April 2016

Second Prime Sponsors Added:

A2363 Aca (1R)   (Eustace,T)    Snow removal by NJT-concerns

A2758   (Jimenez,A)    Mil., active duty-waive insur. co-pymts

A3490   (Muoio,E)    MV offender-estab. restricted use lic.

A4053   (Schepisi,H)    Prop. recprds cards-electronic format

A4055   (Schepisi,H)    Real estate referral agents-concerns

A4058   (Singleton,T)    Crim. Justice Info. Sharing Env. Council

A4345   (Chiaravalloti,N)    September 11 Remembrance Day-desig.

A4440   (Benson,D)    Prescr. Monitoring Prog-prov cert access

A4458   (Burzichelli,J)    Fireworks-authorizes sale, possession

A4462   (Vainieri Huttle,V)    Amusement games lic-permits cert alco

A4482   (DeAngelo,W)    Svc contracts, cert-allows cancellation

Third Prime Sponsors Added:

A852   (Chaparro,A)    United Way, NJ-income tax vol. contrib.

A963 Aca (1R)   (Dancer,R)    Native vegetation-concerns use

A2036   (Oliver,S)    Resid. foreclosures-concern prev.

A2363 Aca (1R)   (McKnight,A)    Snow removal by NJT-concerns

A2758   (Howarth,J)    Mil., active duty-waive insur. co-pymts

A3346   (Oliver,S)    Resid. mortgage foreclosure-revises

A3832   (Holley,J)    EDA-concerns finan. assist.

A3964   (Muoio,E)    Teacher-concerns instructional cert.

A4016 Aca (1R)   (Downey,J)    DUI, interlock device viol-revise penal.

A4062 Aca (1R)   (Chiaravalloti,N)    Veh. homicide-concerns distracted driv.

A4262 Aca (1R)   (Chiaravalloti,N)    Family day care-req. background checks

A4304   (Downey,J)    Soil lead test-req. pub. access

A4305   (Downey,J)    Soil lead tesing-req. cert.

A4306   (Downey,J)    Soil, drinking water-reduce exposure

A4345   (Mukherji,R)    September 11 Remembrance Day-desig.

A4363   (Lampitt,P)    Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund

A4445   (Benson,D)    Assault on disabled-upgrades

A4452   (Benson,D)    Michael Massey's Law-display lights

A4487   (Singleton,T)    Textbooks, open-devel. plan to offer

A4488 Aca (1R)   (Houghtaling,E)    Crops affected by cert. disease-assist

A4498   (Lampitt,P)   Behavioral health care svcs-expand insur  

Third Prime Sponsors Added: (cont’d)


AJR54 Acs (ACS)   (Chiaravalloti,N)    World Autism Awareness Day-desig April 2

AJR115   (Giblin,T)    Concussion Awareness Day-desig.

AR195   (Chiaravalloti,N)    Surface Transp/Maritime Sec. Act-urges

AR206   (Andrzejczak,B)   Flounder, summer-assess catch limits  

Fourth Prime Sponsors Added:

A687   (Chaparro,A)    Cigarette tax rev-0.1% anti-smoking prog

A1943   (Mukherji,R)    MV-estab electronic lien, titling system

A2081   (Holley,J)    Green bldg. proj.-concerns applications

A2265   (Chaparro,A)    Cybersecurity Comm.-creates;$50K

A2497   (Chaparro,A)    Higher ed students-NJT offer disc passes

A2758   (Mukherji,R)    Mil., active duty-waive insur. co-pymts

A4045 Aca (1R)   (Holley,J)    Peace: A Learned Solution Prog.

A4062 Aca (1R)   (Benson,D)    Veh. homicide-concerns distracted driv.

A4234   (Vainieri Huttle,V)    Joint insur. fd.-allows cert.

A4253 Aca (1R)   (Eustace,T)    Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Prog.

A4255 Acs (ACS)   (O'Scanlon,D)    Horse racetracks-allows cert. wagers

A4262 Aca (1R)   (Mukherji,R)    Family day care-req. background checks

A4304   (Benson,D)    Soil lead test-req. pub. access

A4305   (Benson,D)    Soil lead tesing-req. cert.

A4306   (Benson,D)    Soil, drinking water-reduce exposure

A4345   (Webber,J)    September 11 Remembrance Day-desig.

A4445   (DeAngelo,W)    Assault on disabled-upgrades

A4454   (Eustace,T)    Agric. Experiment Station-approp $300K

A4463   (DeAngelo,W)    Automatic defibrillator-requires

AJR54 Acs (ACS)   (Holley,J)    World Autism Awareness Day-desig April 2

AR141 Aca (1R)   (Chiaravalloti,N)    Child Abuse Prev. Mo.-desig. April 2016

AR206   (Land,B)   Flounder, summer-assess catch limits  

Fifth Prime Sponsors Added:

A2758   (Danielsen,J)    Mil., active duty-waive insur. co-pymts

A4238   (Downey,J)    Higher Ed Student Asst Auth-transparency

A4239 Aca (1R)   (Downey,J)    College Loans Asst St. Students-revises

A4262 Aca (1R)   (Jimenez,A)    Family day care-req. background checks

AR206   (Rible,D)  Flounder, summer-assess catch limits  

Sixth Prime Sponsors Added:


A2874   (Downey,J)    Student loans-allow income tax deduction

AR206   (Chiaravalloti,N)  Flounder, summer-assess catch limits  

Seventh Prime Sponsors Added:

A1919 AcaAaAca (3R)   (Houghtaling,E)    NJT bd.-add two pub. memb.

Eighth Prime Sponsors Added:

A1919 AcaAaAca (3R)   (Chiaravalloti,N)    NJT bd.-add two pub. memb.

A4401 Aca (1R)   (Danielsen,J)    Military family memb.-auth. cert. benf.

Ninth Prime Sponsors Added:

A1919 AcaAaAca (3R)   (Mukherji,R)    NJT bd.-add two pub. memb.

Note to the 11/21/16 Digest:

Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:


AJR130    Vainieri Huttle,V/Lampitt,P    Maternal Health Awareness Day-desig.   AWR 2RA *NOT* REF AHE

The Assembly adjourned at 5:50 P.M. to meet again on Monday, January 23, 2017 (SESSION).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (1/12/17):
