Bill A2925 Aa (1R)
Session 2010 - 2011
Concerns permits, letters of exemption, and enforcement with regard to agricultural activities under "Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act". *
Economic Growth
Identical Bill Number:S2804
This bill has not been certified by OLS for a fiscal note.
Primary Sponsor:
Riley, Celeste M.
Chivukula, Upendra J.
6/14/2010Introduced, Referred to Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
12/9/2010Reported out of Assembly Committee, 2nd Reading
2/17/2011Assembly Floor Amendment Passed (Riley)
3/14/2011Passed by the Assembly (75-3-0)
3/21/2011Received in the Senate, Referred to Senate Economic Growth Committee
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Statement - AAN 12/9/10
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Floor Statement - Assembly 2/17/11
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*indicates synopsis was amended